As I began to do the research necessary to write and publish my book, I started reading my old articles.
Here is one from August 13, 2011.
It’s a classic and still appropriate 12 years later:
Patient “X” came in the other day. He’s one of my favorites. Why?
Patient “X” takes excellent care of himself.
I never have to call him; he follows up on his own. He takes his medications as directed. He “works” on being healthy! Patient “X” has his own unique problems yet maintains an “attitude of gratitude”.
Why am I writing about Patient “X”? There are two reasons. The first and foremost is I like to tell success stories. I spend so much time writing about what people should do that it’s nice to write about those who do it right. The second reason is because Patient “X” made me smile!
“Good morning, “X”, how’s life?”
“X” responded, “Pretty good most days. I still have some bad ones, but I’m coping.”
“What can I do for you today?”
“I’m here for a bleed, a read, and a refill?”
“A bleed, a read, and a refill! I’ll have to write about that. It’s perfect.
So, today’s article is about “A bleed, a read, and a refill.” In other words, it’s about the importance of timely follow-up. In “Your Doctor, The Master Chef”, I talk about my medications as spices in my spice rack and your treatment protocol as a recipe.
Patient “X” has simmered for the prescribed amount of time and returned to the office for a tasting.
A “bleed” allows me to monitor the effects of “X’s” medication chemically. I can check his cholesterol, kidneys, and an assortment of other bodily functions with a “bleed.”
A “read” allows me to check his blood pressure, heart, and lungs, as well as an assortment of other bodily functions.
A “refill” allows me to ensure he is on the appropiate medications and give him enough to get to his next scheduled follow-up.
“X” is one of my favorites. He labors hard to stay happy and healthy. Because “X” does his work, I don’t have to work as hard! Thank you “X”.
Here’s today’s joke:
True story: My patient needed an IV, and the nurse got ready to start it in his antecubital area as per her training. The patient asked the nurse why she didn’t start the IV in his hand to which she replied, in Polish-accented English, ”I don’t do hand jobs.” The entire staff cracked up!