Establishing a new life in North Carolina is both exciting and scary. The scariest thing on the list is finding a new doc. The public is not aware of how bad things have become for docs in general, but I am. My Virginia friends were complaining about how hard it is to find a new family doc and that a new patient appointment takes 4-6 months to obtain.
Things are going to be worse here. In the last few weeks, local healthcare institutions have fired 60 docs, replacing them with nurse practitioners. Doctor suicides are at an all time high. ZdoggMD recently did a podcast on the subject of unhappy docs (click on the highlighted words). Take note of the fact that this brilliant, passionate healer is near tears when he speaks about what has happened to his beloved medical profession.
The really depressing part of his podcast is that he advises his audience (M.D.s) to find what makes them happy and then do it, giving up the practice of medicine. Unfortunately, despite all the negative changes in medicine, I still loved practicing and would have continued to practice until I dropped. (My wife pointed out that, in fact, I did practice until I dropped.)
Now, I have to find a new family doc, neurologist, urologist, neurosurgeon, podiatrist, dentist, etc. in North Carolina. Getting old is a bitch! I suspect finding my way through the medical maze in Charlotte is not going to be easy. Afterall, I am looking for an endangered species. Most of all, I’m looking for a physician who appears to care about how I am doing. I’m looking for someone in their late 50s with a fair amount of experience under their belt. I’m looking for an independent thinker who is aware of modern-day protocols but not afraid to ignore them. I’m looking for someone who listens then speaks. I’m looking for someone who still loves practicing medicine. I think I’m looking for a miracle.
Of note should be that I am not necessarily looking for a brilliant physician. A physician who cares and listens will find the knowledge necessary to take care of me. One last point, I’m looking for someone who will allow me to be the patient and then lay out his/her plans as if I was not a doc.
I know many of you have been frustrated and have yet to settle in with a new doc. I want to encourage you to find that new doc while you are well and not wait to find yourself questioning whether the new doc is good or not while you are in the midst of a major illness.
Meanwhile, I have a bad cold. I don’t want to sound like a baby, but I am when it comes to nasal congestion, cough and just feeling yucky! Do you want to know the real solution to the common cold? It’s a secret but I’ll share it with you. Sex! As much as you can tolerate. Now, if I could just get a prescription for some and someone to fill it, I’d be on my way to recovery.