“Life sucks!” I can’t tell you how many times a week I hear that expression. I hear it from both young and old. I hear it from the rich and the poor, the employed and the unemployed. I hear it coming out of my mouth way too often. “Life sucks!”
How can life suck? Life, itself, is a gift. Life carries with it limitless potential. Every day you are alive is a day in which you may find success, happiness, love and wealth. Happiness is a choice! You can choose to concentrate on the good things in your life or ignore all that you have and concentrate on what you don’t have.
There are multiple articles on this blog aimed at helping you find health and happiness. “Blessings List” is still my favorite. Do you have a Blessings List? You should. You should accept every day as a gift from G-d and be thankful for what you have even if the only thing you have is life itself. If all you have is your life, you are rich with potential!
What sucks is going to the wake of a young adult. What sucks is mourning for the recently departed. Life doesn’t suck but some days do.