This time of year, I always repost the “BLESSING LIST\
Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Do you have too much on your plate? Your husband is out of work. You have a full-time job during the day and you are mom at night. Your parents are getting old. Your house needs work. You have too many bills and your children are needy, whiny and unappreciative. Dinner conversations are all about “needs,” that four-letter word. Life needs balance!
Often, we are so focused on our curses and problems that we can’t see our blessings. By adjusting your viewpoint, you can reduce your stresses and better address your problems. Try this exercise:
- Your husband is out of work; you are blessed to have a husband.
- You have too much on your plate; you have a table to put your plate on and food to put on that plate.
- You have a full-time job during the day and are a mom at night; you are lucky to have a job and blessed with children.
- Your parents are getting old; your parents are alive.
- Your house needs work; you have a roof over your head.
- You have too many bills; You can spend less and live with less as long as you have a roof over your head, food on the table to feed the children and a husband to love.
- My children are too needy; they will learn the difference between wants and needs and learn to be appreciative of what they have.
- Whiny kids are healthy enough to whine and they will grow up eventually.
So, make a blessings list. Include everything you are lucky enough to have, everything that makes you smile. Place that list on your bathroom mirror and every morning and night, brush your teeth for two minutes. While you brush your teeth, count your blessings. If you start the day blessed and end the day blessed, whatever happens during the day won’t be too bad. By the way, count the fact that you have teeth to brush as a blessing!