Last night, I re-read Diets and Other Unnatural Acts. I enjoyed reading it and still think it’s relevant and fun. Unfortunately, Diets and Oher Unnatural Acts teaches and relies on eating healthy, exercise and a healthy attitude.
As my Parkinson’s worsens, exercise becomes next to impossible. On top of the Parkinson’s, I now have a Baker’s cyst (causing knee pain) and a lousy attitude. My day starts when I stand in front of my bathroom mirror and marvel at how fat I’ve gotten. I joke that the post office is considering assigning my own personal zip code. I brush my teeth and resolve to take my first chicken steps toward improving my diet. Then, I go to the kitchen and eat breakfast. It’s 7 am and I finish breakfast at 10 pm.
I count my blessings: my children, grandchildren, siblings and friends. I save my biggest blessing, Renee, for last. I debate whether she belongs in my family list or breakfast list. On a good day, she makes both lists. Talking about a good day, this week’s bad day is next week’s good day. Anyway, my attitude of gratitude lasts a short time and is replaced by depression.
I’m hoping that my new handicapped-accessible van will make travel possible. The thought lifts my spirits for a short time. I turn on the news and am immediately bombarded by bad news. By 9 am, my joints have loosened up and my meds are kicking in. It’s sunny so, at the risk of falling, I venture out to look at my garden. I’ve got lettuce, radishes, chard, parsley, celery and parsnip. I smile realizing that I hire out my garden work. A bunch of chard costs me $15 to grow. It truly is organic. Next, I sit down to write. My readers tell me that my articles are depressing. Really? As I spit this stuff out on paper, I start to feel better. Unfortunately, I have writer’s block which accounts for this article. While I sit at the table typing, my refrigerator calls. “Hey, come here, I’ve got food for you. You’re not fat! Eat!
The doorbell rings. There are ribs from Rendevous in Memphis. I smile. It’s going to be a good day after all. I’ll start my diet tomorrow!
Hi Stewart, I hope you are having a good day!
I was over at your facility in Lake Zurich yesterday, making an appointment for a physical. I thought of you and the wonderful care I received from you over the years. My good health at 76 years old is a direct result.
Thank you and best wishes in the future.
At this stage of life, do what makes you happy! There is a reason for the phrase “Fat and Happy!”