
One of my friends said, “Everyone hands me shit.  It’s my choice whether to smell it or step in it!” I thought her wisdom should be shared with you, my reader.  It seems everyone I see these days is stressed.  Many feel like my friend, buried in excrement; yet most don’t realize that how you …

This time of year, I always repost the “BLESSING LIST\ Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Do you have too much on your plate? Your husband is out of work. You have a full-time job during the day and you are mom at night. Your parents are getting old. Your house needs work. You have too …


One of my friends said, “Everyone hands me shit.  It’s my choice whether to smell it or step in it!” I thought her wisdom should be shared with you, my reader.  It seems everyone I see these days is stressed.  Many feel like my friend, buried in excrement; yet most don’t realize that how you …

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