Did you ever find yourself wishing that your life was as good as someone else’s? Ever hear someone say, “The grass is greener on the other side of the fence?”  I think it’s human nature to imagine that others have it better than you and to wish you could trade places.  Would it surprise you if I told you that the neighbor whose fortunate life you covet is looking out his window and wishing he had it as easy as you?

One of the gifts caring for so many families over the years gave me was a real look inside their houses and lives.  What that intimate view taught me is that nobody in his/her right mind would trade their problems for someone else’s.  The grass is definitely not better on the other side of the fence.

Nonetheless, after reviewing the MRI of my neck with the neurosurgeon yesterday, I’m ready to swap problems with anybody crazy enough to swap with me.  I’m also jealous.  I’m struggling to walk due to my Parkinson’s and probably also due to cervical disc disease.  Walking is one of those things that people take for granted.  I did.  When I could have walked with ease on a daily basis, I made excuses for not walking.  I was always either too busy or too tired.  Now that it’s difficult to walk and I’ve got motorized scooters and wheelchairs in my future, I feel like a fool.

WALK WHILE YOU CAN! Don’t be a fool.  Walking is good exercise.  The more you walk, the more you’ll be able to walk.  Walking with others brings you closer to them.  Socialize while you can.  Need some quiet time?  Walk by yourself.  Don’t take walking for granted.

Looking forward to retirement?  I can tell you that retiring due to illness is no fun!  Despite all that practicing medicine taught me, I’m jealous of those who have their health.  I’m using that jealousy to fuel my fight to regain some of my lost health.  I’ll do whatever I have to do to get stronger and healthier.  Sure would have been easier to maintain my health in the past than get it back now.

Here’s the joke for today:

Jealous wife gets call from husband late for supper:

He said, “Baby, I know I’m late, but I had a terrible accident at work. My friend Brenda brought me to the hospital. I lost one arm and I have three hundred staples in my head. I probably won’t live through the night. If I do, they’ll have to amputate both legs and I’ll need around-the-clock care for the rest of my life.”

His wife said, *”Who the hell is Brenda?!?”*

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