Yesterday, my sister-in-law, Martha, and my niece, Alli, posted updates on Facebook, reviewing the progress my brother has made since having a stroke 2 years ago.  Alan has worked hard at recovering the use of his left hand and leg and his continued improvement is miraculous.

Alan is no stranger to work.  He worked out in the gym for most of his life.  As a matter of fact, I can’t remember a time when he didn’t go to the gym.  Martha credits the docs for saving his life and aiding in his recovery.  The years Alan invested in building his body and preparing it for combat have been the foundation upon which his progress continues beyond the original projected prognosis.

I also credit his spirit/attitude.  Unlike me, Alan has refused to give in to depression.  He focuses on what he can do as opposed to what he can’t do.  His sense of humor has flourished.  I look forward to his Australian weather reports and our daily conversations during which he works at lifting my spirits.

My big brother is my hero!  Every time I find myself falling into the pity pit, I think about Alan and what he has accomplished and then I crawl out of the pity pit and count my blessings.  In response to a recent article, Lisa reminded me of how lucky I was to have my family walk me into the ocean and swim with me.  She was surprised that I had not made mention of that.

I have been a swimmer my entire life.  While on land I’m a klutz; in the water, I was always graceful.  Having to have my son, son-in-law, brother-in-law and daughter walk me into the water reminded me of how severe my losses have been.  It should have reminded me of how lucky I am to have a loving, supportive family.

Yep, Alan is my hero and I’ll keep working at being more like him.  It’s the Jewish New Year and I want to wish all of you a happy and healthy year full of love and joy.

Here’s your joke for the day:

What is a New Year’s resolution?  It’s something that goes in one year and out the other.

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